St Patrick's Week

There are several great things about a March birthday. I can almost always ski, sometimes cycle, St Pat's is only a week away, and March Madness is right after that and carries me thru to April.  The entire month feels like one big celebration.  More on March Madness later, which starts today and I'm so excited I'm blogging at six am on my vacation day.  Maybe I'm still coming off the high of a week long St Patrick's celebration.

We finished up our birthday celebration on Sunday with a great ski day, then I took a few days off before getting my Irish on.  Last year, I wrote about growing up in Anaconda and Butte surrounded by others with (and without) Irish heritage along with pictures from our 4th Salt Lake City St Pat's parade.  It was cold and raining last year, but this year the temperatures were in the 60s all week so it was looking very promising.

My first St Pat's showing was last Wednesday.  Our cycling class had discussed dressing up as we cooled down Monday.  If you recall, we all were quite creative for Sundance, so I was excited to see everyone's take on St Pat's.  I rushed home Wednesday and pulled together green shorts, bright green shirt, my long shamrock socks, and a green party hat from the birthday dinner.  I walked into class and nobody was dressed up.  Awkward!  They all assumed dress up day would be the Monday after the holiday.  Oh well, I could come up with a 2nd outfit.  I was true to my roots and stayed in costume the entire class.
Photo Credit @Emma_Garrard who posted on Twitter
Thursday and Friday were consumed by work and finalizing plans for our Montana Tech Alumni activities.  This was our 5th year marching in the parade and as a bonus, we had several Tech officials flying in for dinner, the parade, another dinner, and a Jazz game.  I was fielding emails, phone calls, and making last minute decisions while inundating the Utah Alumni with evite updates.  After the Wednesday incident, I was a bit hesitant to go all out at work on Friday, but did wear a bright green polo shirt with my jeans which you can see in our Montana Tech dinner pictures.  Glenn won the award that night with his Irish national shirt.  I definitely could have done better, but I was saving some energy for Saturday.
Glenn showing off his Irish - along with Sheri, Sally, Chris, and Al
Showing a little green - along with Terry, Julie, and Greg.
Montana Tech Dinner - such awesome conversation - very proud of my school
Even though I was exhausted from a long work week, all the Alumni planning, plus getting home close to midnight, I barely slept Friday night in anticipation for Saturday.  Which is very similar to last night as I'm now counting the hours (4) before we leave for the NCAA games.

I can't give away all the secrets, so let's just say that the parade was off the charts!  Just the fact that we had 4 Butte visitors come for our parade and miss out on the Butte parade says it all. We have plans to take it up yet another level next year, so make plans to come join us.  I have over a 100 pictures and videos from the 3hr parade, so will give you a few to set the scene.
Charlie the Oredigger
Record Setting Crowds at The Gateway - our signs were amazing
Montana Tech Alumni and Officials - such a fun and creative group
After the parade, I went back to the truck and changed into another outfit.  The last entries were just starting (we were off early at #34) so Terry and I watched some and then had an Italian St Pat's lunch. I know, it's not corned beef and cabbage, but that's the one part of the holiday I can't get into.
Yes, that's sweat.  The parade was quite the workout.
Saturday Outfit #2
Similar to Outfit #3 for the Jazz game, but imagine a green basketball jersey and clogs
St Pat's lunch - Roasted Red Pepper & Arugula, Pesto Pasta, and Ginger Beer
We went home for a couple hours rest, then got dressed for another Montana Tech dinner followed by the Jazz game.  I forgot to get photos of the group at the game, I was wiped out by then and ready for some sleep.
Montana Tech Dinner - I didn't have to organize, just show up and eat
Jazz vs Grizzlies - Great Seats
Another late night but we slept in Sunday and got to the ski resort around 11.  Terry joined us for the girls' ski day / Kelly's birthday / St Pat's celebration which involved some challenging runs on very icy slopes and finished with nachos, beer, and Irish music at the lodge.  I tried to get the green party hat to stay on my helmet, but had to abandon the idea and just look normal.
Ski Day with Corrie and Kelly
St Pat's might have officially been over Sunday night, but I still had one more celebration before calling it a holiday.  For Monday's class, I grabbed one of Terry's green jersey's, my short shamrock cycling socks, and the green party hat.  I walked into class and wouldn't you know it, only one other person dressed up.  Thank goodness for David, otherwise I would have had to solo it once again.  Sorry no pictures.

What a great week, I had so much fun with all my St Pat's celebrations, my Montana Tech family, and my friends at cycling and on the ski hill. I've had a few days off but now it's time to go pick out an outfit for March Madness!
