Our busy weekends continued last Friday, when Terry's parents and grandma drove into town for a visit. Unlike most retired snowbirds who head south, GmaT spends the winter in Montana. She
flew west in December and now goes back home to Illinois in April. She's one tough cookie. Buddy, the beloved dog, also visited. Unfortunately Buddy had a rough life before hooking up with Terry's dad and has separation issues. So to avoid collateral and eardrum damage, Buddy goes everywhere Terry's dad goes. Learning from past trips, we all climbed into 1 car with Buddy and Dad in the far back and headed to dinner. We caught up on the past 4 months and had a nice meal. GmaT flew out early the next morning, so while everyone went to the airport, Terry and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and snuck in our workouts.
Saturday Trail Run View |
I committed to trail running last weekend and stayed off the bike. I had 2 great runs in the Round Valley trail system and felt relatively strong. Now it's time to start increasing the mileage! We all met back at the house and went to SLC to shop and have lunch in the 9th & 9th area. We ate outside so Buddy didn't have to sit in the car and all had a good time. Since it was such a gorgeous day, we drove back home and into Park City for more bike shopping and a walk along the bike path. Terry's dad has had intense knee pain this year, so this was his last hurrah before knee replacement surgery this week.
Bike Path Artwork |
Sunday morning included the traditional breakfast at No Worries and then Terry's parents and Buddy headed home. We celebrated Earth Day with a trip to the Recycling Center and spent the afternoon outside. Terry did a long ride and I headed back to the trails. The heat was so intense I could feel it coming off the dirt onto my legs. For April, at 7000ft, that is very unusual. There were several dogs on the trail with winter fur and long tongues and owners sharing their water.
This week, the warm weather continued for the most part. I felt rather silly going inside for cycling class on Tuesday when it was 70F outside, but I really enjoy the workout and we opened the large garage door to get some fresh air. We had a dinner appointment the following night and then the plan was to go back to cycling class on Thursday, but a last minute call from Terry changed that. He fortunately has some good connections thru work and we were asked to join a colleague and his wife for the Jazz game. We were able to do this a couple times last year and it was unbelievable. The seats are on the 2nd row and right next to the Jazz bench, plus we get to do the VIP dinner and halftime thing - so as you can imagine, it is one of the most unreal experiences. The Jazz won in a nail-biter and are off to the Playoffs. I am so grateful that Terry works hard and has these opportunities come along. If I never get to do it again, I'm a happy girl.. but if the opportunity arises, I'll jump on it every time!
Jazz Huddle - close enough to see the plays! |
Jazz "Unreal" Seat - bruised knees and minimal leg room okay by me |
We walked out of the Jazz game into a raging wind storm. Everyone was running with their eyes shielded from the dirt and trying to get to their cars before the rain arrived. The drive up Parley's was treacherous with running water covering the lines on the road and the wipers struggling to keep up with the downpour. Many cars had pulled over just like they do in winter conditions. I was happy to get home and wasn't surprised to wake up to snow on the ground.
I didn't blog last year, so don't have many photos to compare to this year but most of our snow piles are gone which is very unusual for April. I don't know what this means for May or the rest of the summer, but hopefully next winter is back to normal.
08 Apr 2011 |
02 May 2011 |
28 Apr 2012 |
28 Apr 2012 |
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