There is never a dull moment in Park City. Sundance screenings finished Monday evening and by Wednesday, we were kicking off celebrations for the 10 Year Anniversary of the 2002 Winter Olympics. We didn't live in Park City in 2002, but were here on vacation and attended several Olympic events and had a great time. We had no idea that we would someday live here and it is strange to look at the photos and see them more as our hometown than a spectacular vacation spot. Another reminder that living here allows us to be on vacation every day, as long as you take advantage and use the 2-for-1's. I figured the 10yr anniversary was a good enough reason to go down memory lane and share some photos.
We bought our tickets and planned the trip before we were even married, maybe even engaged! I guess we figured it would be another great excuse to meet up in SLC and hang out with Annette and Doug. I remember going through the website process from my laptop in Italy and sharing the news with my coworkers. Their time came in 2006 with the Winter Olympics in Turin. Hopefully we'll get to another Olympics in our lifetime, what an amazing experience.
2002 Olympic Package - not pretty, but does the job |
2002 Olympic Memorabilia |
2002 Olympic Tickets |
I wish I blogged back then because I wouldn't have to remember the details, but a few things stick out. We lived in Boise and I-84 was closed due to weather so we drove out to I-15 and then down. We were so excited to be on vacation, see the Olympics, and hang out with Annette and Doug that the extra hour or so in the car seemed like forever. We arrived at their house in time to see the Opening Ceremony on TV and watch the fireworks out the window since they lived so close to the stadium. The next morning, we got up early for the Cross-Country events at Soldier Hollow and realized we had a flat. A quick fix and we were off and that's where my detailed memories end. I do remember wearing lots of layers and still getting cold, guess we didn't have enough "warmth" in our flasks. In addition to the ticketed events, we spent time downtown checking out the attractions, watching medal ceremonies, listening to concerts, and taking it all in.
We didn't have a digital camera back in 2002, so I sorted thru the 4 rolls of film and scanned a few classics. I look forward to the 10yr celebrations over the next few weeks, it will be fun to see everyone wearing their coats, berets, and talking about their favorite moments. Speaking for us, we still wear our Olympic snow outfits for snowblowing, our berets still have the tags on them (eBay?), and our hats are worn thin. I don't have a favorite moment, the entire week was a blast.
Cross-Country - Soldier Hollow - Feb 9, 2002 |
Men's Ice Hockey - E Center - Feb 9, 2002 |
Matching Hats |
Halfpipe Crowds - Park City - Feb 10, 2002
Those Bleachers were sooo cold - Park City Halfpipe - Feb 10, 2002 |
Halfpipe - Park City - Feb 10, 2002 |
Park City Main Street |
Transportation was an event in itself - lines and buses at Downhill - Snowbasin - Feb 11, 2002 |
Posing at the Downhill - Snowbasin - Feb 11, 2002 |
Bundled up for the Downhill - Snowbasin - Feb 11, 2002 |
Downtown Fun |
More Downhill - Snowbasin - Feb 13, 2002 |
Getting Giggly in Downtown SLC |
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