We returned from Boise and
The Exergy Tour late Monday (Memorial Day) so Tuesday evening was dedicated to laundry, groceries, and a short ride. I rushed home and put a load in before driving to the grocery store. I unloaded my bike and had one of those great rides where you just can't stop smiling for the pure joy of riding and if it weren't for my chores, I would have stayed out longer. Back to the car and a fast trip to Whole Foods to pick up essentials but then a text from Corrie completely threw me off schedule. The text was a picture of a mama and baby moose in the neighbor's back yard. Not just any baby, but a 4hr old newborn!
Newborn Moose |
I parked in the driveway and immediately went to check in on the little one. Nature is amazing and time stood still while we watched the baby nurse and take some wobbly steps while mama, obviously exhausted, did her best to guide the baby around and make it's first few hours comfortable. Since we hadn't seen all the neighbors for several days, we made the rounds and easily lost an hour or more by the time we made it back home to a bike on the car and groceries in the trunk.
First hours |
We all kept a close eye on the baby thru the week as emails and videos were shared. On Wednesday morning, a couple moose surprised me when I opened the garage and I waited until they walked up the street a bit before pulling out. Wonder if they could tell mama had just given birth and was nearby? On Wednesday afternoon, the
bear was captured in a trap and relocated. Our trap was picked up as they left and a few neighbors got to peak in on the 2yr old with a report that he smelled like black licorice.
Wednesday Morning - Moose Couple |
Thursday was actually quiet, but Friday night didn't disappoint. A phone call from Erin that mama was in front of our house and we joined everyone else out on their decks to watch the show. Mama was down in the pit eating and drinking while baby stayed on our driveway wondering what to do. Go down the steep slope, wait for mama, wander around, make noises - we saw it all. Finally mama came up and then did a little running training, which was absolutely hilarious. Baby's legs were 4 days old and a bit stronger, but very clumsy. At one point, the baby thought our mailbox was mama and realized last minute. Later, as they ran further down the road, baby lost traction and slid out just like a toddler on the ice rink. I hope all works out and they have enough food and water without having to cross I-80 until both are strong. We've had a higher number of moose, deer, and elk roadkill than normal the past few weeks and it is heartbreaking to see so many deaths.
Thursday Trail Run - Fitting Sign for the Week |
Waiting on the Driveway |
Running Practice |
Picking up speed |
Once again, the baby moose threw off my schedule, and I didn't get to bed Friday night as early as hoped. The 4:30a alarm was shocking for a Saturday, but we had a bike ride to get to! Corrie, Emily, and I drove to Lewiston for the
Little Red Riding Hood women's only century. I've done this ride at least 5 times now and although the group is always a little different, we always have a great time. The past 3 years, we've worn tiaras and called ourselves the Princess Peloton. This year was extra special because my mom and her friend drove down from Montana and also finished the 100 miles! I was able to ride a section with my mom before joining back up with the Princesses. We rushed home to celebrate Erin's birthday and feasted on traditional Lebanese delicacies.
Princess Peloton ready to roll |
Montana Ladies ready for 100 |
Corrie and Emily looking good - Mile 80? |
I got caught up on my cooking Sunday morning and then took Terry's new 29" mountain bike out for a spin with Joe and Kelly. I've been holding off riding one because everyone said I would never go back to the 26" and they were right, I'm now on the hunt for a 29er.
Sunday MTB with Kelly - Mid Mtn Overlook |
The temperatures were in the high 80s Monday after work, but no moose sightings so hopefully they found a cool spot to hang out. I did have 3 snake sightings on my trail run and realized I can jump high when necessary. A system blew in Tuesday and the temperatures were down in the 40s after work for a severe shock to the body. Thank goodness we had dinner plans and an excuse not to work out in the cold. It warmed up some tonight and wouldn't you know it, I was almost home from my road ride and came up on a moose taking up the road. I really didn't want to turn back and go the other way since it would involve more climbing, so I waited it out until a car spooked the moose far enough into the woods that I could sneak by. Who knows what the rest of the week will bring, hopefully warmer weather and a baby moose sighting so we know that everything is all right.
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